Nine (9) Words COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION "Jurors" Used To Describe what Theresa Keeping and Dale Merkel Did To WishCruise Navy and It's Children's "Wish" Program!
by Captain Chuck Foster on 08/16/13
Nine (9) words that Court of Public Opinion “jurors” used to describe what Theresa Keeping and Dale Merkel Merkel did to WishCruise Navy and it’s children’s “wish” program:
01. Corrupt: “Having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain."
02. Evil: “Profoundly immoral, wicked, depraved.”
03. Despicable: “Contemptible, mean, vile, deserving hatred and contempt.”
04. Maniacal: “Affected with or suggestive of madness.”
05. Narcissistic: “Mental disorder characterized by extreme self-absorption, an exaggerated sense of self-importance, and a need for attention and admiration from others.”
06. Pathetic: ”Pitifully inferior, inadequate, disgraceful.”
07. Sickening: “Nauseating, rancid, repugnant.”
08. Sinister: “Dark, ominous, menacing, threatening."
09. Unconscionable: “Shockingly unfair, unjust, unmerciful”
10. *Insegrevious: (My word) Because I couldn't top the words that The Court of Public Opinion Blog "jurors" have already been provided, I picked "insegrevious" because it's a unique, catch-all word meaning, "... anything you want it to mean!"
Money Received By People Who Innocently Sold Their Business And Buildings To Fraud/Conspiracy Defendants Theresa Keeping/Dale Merkel Receive Notice About Returning Embezzled, and/or Fraudulent Obtained Children's "Wish" Charity Funds ...