Captain's Blog

Law Enforcement and Court Communication + Interesting "Jury Voter" Interaction : CAPTAIN'S BLOG: Court of Public Opinion
News Media Exposure: Lawsuit Charges Fraud by Canadian Developers Theresa Keeping and Dale Merkel Threatens Future of Children's Wish-Granting Charity
Capt. Chuck Foster
Theresa Keeping
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Just The Facts
This lawsuit is about Canadian developers, Theresa Keeping and Dale Merkel committing fraud and conspiracy by unlawfully taking children's wish charity capitalization funds from a trust/holding account and using this money to make personal Canadian property/business investments. For complete history, see Lawsuit & Exhibits section of this website.

Law Enforcement and Court Communication + Interesting "Jury Voter" Interaction

by Captain Chuck Foster on 07/12/13

Posting for yesterday, Thursday, 7/11/13 --   Most of yesterday morning was spent talking with Canadian law enforcement officials.  Focus was on Theresa Keeping and Dale Merkel's efforts to avoid being served with the Summons and Complaint, their refusal to communicate, and why additional civil/criminal charges of embezzlement, conversion and theft by false pretense related to the taking and using WishCruise Navy funding for personal Canadian property/business investments were foreseeable.
     I met with California Superior Court Clerk/Orange County during the afternoon to discuss Court documents for Canadian Law Enforcement officials as required by the Hague Convention, a treaty to facilitate cooperation in legal matters between foreign countries.
     Rec'd phone call informing me final WishCruise Pirate Adventures business plan will  ready for review at 9:30 am today (Friday, 7/12/13).
     Evening Blog check indicated three people chose to use the comment template on the Captain's Blog site regarding recently published blogs.  One said defendants are believed to be back in "Alberta."  The other two were "verdict" votes; both voted "Justice" (not "revenge).
      Opting to not use the Blog comment link but contact me directly, 11 people chose to personally share their verdict decision and case-related comments:  10 of these people said they believe a "justice not revenge" approach to this case was their perceived objective.  The 1 anonymous caller (with caller I.D. blocked) disagreed, however, and was quite insistent that "revenge" was the motivation, and used their loud, highly emotional vocal strength to share an impressive assembly of creative and colorful expletives.
-- RCF

Comments (1)

1. Carson Gallagher said on 7/12/13 - 09:14AM
My verdict is JUSTICE. I also find it very hard to understand how this Theresa woman expected to get away with something so wrong. Actually it is more than wrong, it is sickening. Keep fighting Captain Foster.

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