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Revenge or Justice in Theresa Keeping/Dale Merkel Lawsuit? : CAPTAIN'S BLOG: Court of Public Opinion
News Media Exposure: Lawsuit Charges Fraud by Canadian Developers Theresa Keeping and Dale Merkel Threatens Future of Children's Wish-Granting Charity
Capt. Chuck Foster
Theresa Keeping
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Just The Facts
This lawsuit is about Canadian developers, Theresa Keeping and Dale Merkel committing fraud and conspiracy by unlawfully taking children's wish charity capitalization funds from a trust/holding account and using this money to make personal Canadian property/business investments. For complete history, see Lawsuit & Exhibits section of this website.

Revenge or Justice in Theresa Keeping/Dale Merkel Lawsuit?

by Captain Chuck Foster on 07/10/13

          Some have suggested the methods being used to serve a Summons and Complaint in a civil lawsuit have been “inappropriate” and “overly aggressive” to the point of appearing “revenge” is the motive and result, not “justice"!?
           “What’s it going to take to resolve this matter?” was another expressed concern.
     One dictionary defines “revenge” as “a thought or act with intent to Inflict hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrongful act.”
          "Justice," however, seems to have many, even conflicting, definitions.  In this case, I’ve chosen what applies to the Keeping/Merkel situation, that being, “action or treatment in proportion to repeated efforts to seek a timely, fair and just remedy with lawful accountability for caused injury and damages.”
          It has never been my intent to inflict hurt or harm, and whatever hurt or harm that Keeping and/or Merkel has received, and will continue to receive, is of their own doing. In fact, there is overwhelming physical evidence to show repeated and extraordinary effort has been taken, and continues to be taken, to bring about a fair and mutually beneficial result. 
          Consider, however, it's been Ms. Keeping and Mr. Merkel who have refused to communicate, or even provide the name of an attorney to communicate on their behalf. 
It’s Keeping and Merkel who unlawfully took children’s wish charity funds to make private, personal investments.
It’s been Keeping and Merkel who breached their fiduciary duty to inform company officers, directors and investors that a lawsuit had been filed.   
          It was Keeping
and Merkel who chose to hide from Sheriff’s process server;
          And it is my understanding and belief that it was Keeping who verbally assaulted  and threatened legal action against their own business associates and investors because they’re concerned and want to take proactive steps to protect themselves from the legal consequences and negative publicity.
          The publicity was intended to serve several purposes, one being to alert others who are, or may be considering  financial  involvement with Ms. Keeping and/or Mr. Merkel.
          Another obvious reason was to assert pressure, be it from her self-guilt, embarrassment or anger, the objective is to bring about communication without which, there can be no timely, just, win/win result.
          The media publicity was also intended to stimulate a concerned public to get involved and help us locate Ms. Keeping and Mr. Merkel so they can be served with the Summons and Complaint after which they’d be subject to the jurisdiction, rules and findings of the California Superior Court.

“What’s it going to take to resolve this matter?”
     Just last week, I again proffered what I believe was a good faith, fair and just Settlement and Release offer requiring only:
          1.  Reimbursement of the initially promised $50,000 spent at Keeping's  request and on her behalf, plus $25,000 for case-related legal and publicity costs incurred to date; and
          2.  Return the $1.5MM "capitalization" funds to a trust/holding account for the agreed upon payment of WishCruise Navy flagship construction and WishCruise Pirate Adventures, Ltd start-up costs.
          *   In consideration for the above mentioned, litigation (including claims for general and punitive damages) would be dropped, and the negative publicity would stop.  Most importantly, Keeping’s $1.5MM “capitalization” would be refunded in full within 24 months from the flagship’s completion date!
____Revenge?  - or -   ___Justice? 
     This being the Court of Public Opinion, you're the jury so you decide! 
     You're also invited to share your verdict or ask case-related question?
-- RCF

Comments (3)

1. tom said on 7/10/13 - 08:48AM
2. Karen said on 7/10/13 - 09:43AM
3. Carl Roland said on 7/10/13 - 05:03PM
Justice!!!!! But are you serious about giving this _ _ _ _ _ all that money back after what she and this Dale guy did to you and the kids charity?

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