Captain's Blog

AquaBlue, Manuel DaSilva on Trial. Is There A Connection with Vinking/Port Harmon? : CAPTAIN'S BLOG: Court of Public Opinion
News Media Exposure: Lawsuit Charges Fraud by Canadian Developers Theresa Keeping and Dale Merkel Threatens Future of Children's Wish-Granting Charity
Capt. Chuck Foster
Theresa Keeping
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Just The Facts
This lawsuit is about Canadian developers, Theresa Keeping and Dale Merkel committing fraud and conspiracy by unlawfully taking children's wish charity capitalization funds from a trust/holding account and using this money to make personal Canadian property/business investments. For complete history, see Lawsuit & Exhibits section of this website.

AquaBlue, Manuel DaSilva on Trial. Is There A Connection with Vinking/Port Harmon?

by Captain Chuck Foster on 07/02/13

          Given Monday was a Canadian holiday, I was pleasantly surprised to received case-related phone calls and expressed interest in this matter from two Canadian journalists, both from the Alberta area. Interestingly, both are covering the criminal trial of a former AquaBlue company officer which is scheduled to begin on July 9th.
          Speaking of Aqua Blue, the Mayor of Smiths Falls called last evening and we talked at length about the adverse affect the "AquaBlue" fiasco had on the people of his community.  He asked me to send him the discussed case-documents after which we'd talk again to see how he might be able to assist with this case.  I told him one thing he can do -- which is what I tell everyone who expresses an interest to help -- and that's "talk to people about this case; forward the email to friends and business associates, and get back to me with whatever information or documentation that they believe may be helpful.
          Today it's anticipated conversations with Canadian Coast Guard staff, Canada's Port Authority Headquarters staff, the Minister of Transport,  and the Premiers representing Alberta and Newfoundland. 
          Also have a growing backlog of emails to answer which I plan to work on later this afternoon.
          Wednesday I meet with one of the producers to prepare for my first "Court of Public Opinion" appearance.
          Thursday's July 4th and foreseeably a "paperwork catch up day."
          Friday I'm expecting to speak by phone with investigators involved with the criminal trial of  Manuel DaSilva, The other call I'm expecting is from Canada Securities Commission as it seems there are similarities in terms of people and businesses (from Florida and Berlin) purportedly involved, plus investor solicitation methods, representations and claims made pertaining AquaBlue that are or were also involved in the acquisition and operation of Vinking Marine Enterprises and Port Harmon Authority. 

-- RCF

Comments (2)

1. Da Silva's victims said on 8/2/13 - 08:52AM
Captain Foster. You should know that the mayor of Smiths Falls was on the take as well as the entire executive of the city. They had been forewarned about Da Silva and Aquablue by previous victims of Da Silva as soon as he stepped foot in their small town. They chose to ignore the warnings...and look what happened.
2. Captain Chuck Foster update: said on 8/7/13 - 12:15PM
8/7/13 -- I'm of the current opinion and belief that that today's new and current ownership and executive management of Vinking, including the company's President/CEO, Dan Villeneuve, and the company's Director of Business Development, Colleen Oliver, were not, and are not connected to, or affiliated with the Vunking company prior to and during Mr. DaSilva's time with, and/or during DaSilva's period control at and over Vinking operations. As a result, I am unaware of any reason to compare or connect today's Vinking operations to Mr. DaSilva.

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