Captain's Blog

Lawsuit Strategy: Defendants Theresa Keeping, Dale Merkel (and possibly others) : CAPTAIN'S BLOG: Court of Public Opinion
News Media Exposure: Lawsuit Charges Fraud by Canadian Developers Theresa Keeping and Dale Merkel Threatens Future of Children's Wish-Granting Charity
Capt. Chuck Foster
Theresa Keeping
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Just The Facts
This lawsuit is about Canadian developers, Theresa Keeping and Dale Merkel committing fraud and conspiracy by unlawfully taking children's wish charity capitalization funds from a trust/holding account and using this money to make personal Canadian property/business investments. For complete history, see Lawsuit & Exhibits section of this website.

Lawsuit Strategy: Defendants Theresa Keeping, Dale Merkel (and possibly others)

by Captain Chuck Foster on 06/26/13

1.  Most of the day was spent talking by phone with news media and a few Canadian government officials.

2.  Was also able to connect by phone with some investors at Vinking Marine Enterprises (Port Harmon Authority) -- the company which received the Children's Wish Charity flagship construction funding and start-up operating capital.  It's also the company that defendants Keeping and Merkel were/are identified as company officers (Vice Presidents).   

3. Afternoon allow time for some "dialing for dollars" follow by preparing and emailing the requested follow-up documents, i.e., Business Plan, Operations Outline, and Keeping/Merkel case-related details explaining the short notice need for a "Long Ranger" ... "Robin Hood" or "Angel" rescue funding source to fill the Keeping/Merkel LLC equity partner/Member vacancy.  

4.  Rest of the day and early event spent working on Business Plan and Operations Plan revisions, more email follow-up, and preparing for a series of "Court of Public Opinion" media interviews which may happen sometime next week.

5.  Wednesday is set aside for law enforcement follow-up and getting Ms. Keeping and Mr. Merkel served with the Summons and Complaint.

Until next time .....

-- RCF

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